Listed below is a summary of all advertised, vacant positions by facility.

Sort by: Facility name   Job count

Valdosta State Prison - 30
Smith State Prison - 22
Baldwin State Prison - 16
Autry State Prison - 15
Arrendale State Prison - 11
Macon State Prison - 11
Coastal State Prison - 10
Dodge State Prison - 9
Wilcox State Prison - 9
Hays State Prison - 7
Johnson State Prison - 7
Walker State Prison - 7
Emanuel Probation Detention Center - 6
Telfair State Prison - 6
Hancock State Prison - 5
Rogers State Prison - 5
Whitworth Women's Facility - 5
Montgomery State Prison - 4
Rutledge State Prison - 4
Washington State Prison - 4
Central State Prison - 3
Colwell Probation Detention Center - 3
Dooly State Prison - 3
Emanuel Women's Facility - 3
Long State Prison - 3
McRae Women's Facility - 3
Paulding Probation Detention Center - 3
Pulaski State Prison - 3
Treutlen Probation Detention Center - 3
Ware State Prison - 3
West Central Pre-Release Center - 3
Augusta State Medical Prison - 2
Bainbridge Probation Substance Abuse Treatment Center - 2
Calhoun State Prison - 2
Metro Reentry Facility - 2
Metro Reinvestment Center - 2
Phillips State Prison - 2
Turner Pre-Release Center - 2
Appling Pre-Release Center - 1
Augusta Transitional Center - 1
Bacon Probation Detention Center - 1
Burruss C.T.C. - 1
Care and Custody Admin Division - 1
Charles D. Hudson Transitional Center - 1
Columbus Transitional Center - 1
Engineering & Construction Services - 1
Georgia Correctional Industries - 1
Georgia Diagnostic and Classification State Prison - 1
Helms Transitional Center - 1
Office of Professional Standards - 1
Patten Probation Detention Center - 1
Smith Transitional Center - 1
SMU/Special Management Unit - 1
Womens Probation Detention Center - 1
Appling Pre-Release Center - 1
Arrendale State Prison - 11
Augusta State Medical Prison - 2
Augusta Transitional Center - 1
Autry State Prison - 15
Bacon Probation Detention Center - 1
Bainbridge Probation Substance Abuse Treatment Center - 2
Baldwin State Prison - 16
Burruss C.T.C. - 1
Calhoun State Prison - 2
Care and Custody Admin Division - 1
Central State Prison - 3
Charles D. Hudson Transitional Center - 1
Coastal State Prison - 10
Columbus Transitional Center - 1
Colwell Probation Detention Center - 3
Dodge State Prison - 9
Dooly State Prison - 3
Emanuel Probation Detention Center - 6
Emanuel Women's Facility - 3
Engineering & Construction Services - 1
Georgia Correctional Industries - 1
Georgia Diagnostic and Classification State Prison - 1
Hancock State Prison - 5
Hays State Prison - 7
Helms Transitional Center - 1
Johnson State Prison - 7
Long State Prison - 3
Macon State Prison - 11
McRae Women's Facility - 3
Metro Reentry Facility - 2
Metro Reinvestment Center - 2
Montgomery State Prison - 4
Office of Professional Standards - 1
Patten Probation Detention Center - 1
Paulding Probation Detention Center - 3
Phillips State Prison - 2
Pulaski State Prison - 3
Rogers State Prison - 5
Rutledge State Prison - 4
Smith State Prison - 22
Smith Transitional Center - 1
SMU/Special Management Unit - 1
Telfair State Prison - 6
Treutlen Probation Detention Center - 3
Turner Pre-Release Center - 2
Valdosta State Prison - 30
Walker State Prison - 7
Ware State Prison - 3
Washington State Prison - 4
West Central Pre-Release Center - 3
Whitworth Women's Facility - 5
Wilcox State Prison - 9
Womens Probation Detention Center - 1